Our Services

We are over 20 years of experience

Welcome to our certified marine servicing company, where safety is paramount. We specialize in the meticulous recertification of essential maritime safety equipment, including life rafts, lifeboats, fire extinguishers, CO2 fixed systems, and more.

Servicing and Inspection are carried out by highly professional technical practitioners, ensuring that your marine safety equipment meets and exceeds industry standards. Our dedicated team is well-versed in handling both offshore and onshore services, guaranteeing the reliability and effectiveness of your essential safety instruments.

At OLSS, we not only excel in recertification and maintenance but also in providing top-notch equipment and materials. We offer a comprehensive range of quality and standard items in accordance with SOLAS guidelines. Whether you're in need of hiring or purchasing, trust OLSS to deliver the utmost in marine safety. Your security at sea is our priority.